In The Land Of Women…

12 02 2011

So, I’ve been thinking lately. I’ve really been wanting to get some updates to my blog site, but I don’t have the time, considering I’m saving the world now. (more on that in just a bit.)

What I’m looking for is two things. Two simple things and I’m hoping someone out there will be able to help me out.

First, what I need is a cool little photo for my Facebook “fan page.” I just want something a little better than the glass of Jack and Coke picture that I took while I was out and about one night. (It must also be noted, that the picture is also in the header of this blog.)

Which actually brings me to the next topic. I want a cool banner that reflects this blog at the top. The picture itself has to be 780 x 95 and it also has to be awesome.

To sweeten this little deal I’ve made with you people, I’ll be willing to fork over $20 in US dollars at the iTunes store. Don’t like iTunes, fine, I’ll get you $20 in Joanns Fabrics, Gap, Best Buy, Victorias Secret (please let this be the one) or any store of your choosing. Shit, it could be Louis Vitton if you really feel like you can get something worth $20 bucks there. (They’ve got keychains right?!?) Thats right $20 free dollars of fun-ness to people who can actually work the Photoshop Machine.

All you have to do is submit the photo ideas to There, that’s it. I’m sure none of you have anything to do today so I should expect tons of results within the hour.

Now, with that out of the way on to bigger and better things. See, I’ve been at my new job for just over a month now. It’s pretty epic. I’m working for a non-profit in the hope of dominating a pretty terrible disease. To protect most the innocent people I work with, I’m going to refrain from actually name dropping the actual company, but rest assured, if we were to talk and you were a smoking hot, or even pretty decent looking, I’d be sure to let you know exactly the type of work I do.

It’s been a constant level of learning which I’m not entirely used to. I’m really used to knowing shit and when I don’t know shit it bothers me. You may say I’m a bit of a know it all. I’m alright with that label, because quite frankly, knowledge is power and dammit I love power. (However the thing that eludes me is the true knowledge of using comma’s. I know I use to many and I know most of them are used incorrectly, but to be honest, it’s my blog and it’s really not that easy writing them shitcanned out of your mind. You try it!)

Where was I? Oh right, things I’m not used to…. Quite frankly, not knowing things is slowly starting to change. I’m becoming more comfortable with what I’m doing and starting to learn things at a rapid pace which can only lead to my domination and quick ascension to a promotion.

While the knowledge is coming, one thing that has thrown me for an even bigger loop is the fact that I work with ALL women. Seriously. ALL WOMEN.

Now look, I know that one may be sitting there and saying “hey that’s perfect for you!” or “what’s wrong with working with all women.”

And the short answer is nothing. Nothing is wrong with working with all women. It’s just different. For example. My very first day at the office there was a staff meeting. It was held in a reasonably large conference room with windows to the outside world (important in a second.) Everyone rejoined from their holidays breaks and discussed what was done on their holiday breaks. For most it was the same old story, hung out with family, ate too much, etc etc. Oh, also this was my first time with everyone. All ladies. I believe I counted 20. The stories moved around the large 4 buffet tables made into a giant square. Finally came to the one lady I found the most attractive in the office. She recanted her story of her break, but left one little tid bit out until someone asked… “What ELSE happened on your break.” To which she replied “I got engaged!”

Whole muther effing room erupts in squeals and applause and congrats. Except me. Don’t get me wrong, I may have done a little slow clap for her, but all I could think was “dammit. of course.” Welcome to a female dominate workplace.

It’s totally different for me. I’ve worked in some pretty male dominated workplaces and this is all foreign to me. I’m used to dudes verbally assaulting chicks about their looks as they walk through the door of a gym. Nope, can’t do that. I’m used to being given a “good game” pat on the ass when I’ve done some pretty good work. Nope, can’t do that. I’m used to saying the F word left and right. Nope, can’t do that either. It’s all very weird.

One of the more weird things, is the way people are motivated. We’ve had to do some pretty inane work that can get kind of boring or trying on ones patience so the powers that be decided that we would do arts and crafts before lunch to liven things up a little bit.

Wait, what? Arts and FUCKING crafts!?! Surely you can’t be serious.

They were. And are. Another thing I’ve learned, is you don’t fuck with arts and craft time. Write this down boys and girls as a legitimate life lesson. You. Don’t. Fuck. With. Arts and Craft. Time. Ever.

On this particular day we made frames. We were to put a picture of someone that is important to us to remind us why we do what we do. Heres mine….

Arts and Crafts Bitches.

I know. Someone fucking call the Louvre. Sign my shit up.

One thing I’m finding hard, is talking ABOUT women with women. It’s not the same. Like not even at all. I try a little bit with a friend of mine, but it’s just not the same. Like, I can’t go into another co-workers office and be all “Bro, did you see what So-And-So was wearing today?!? Like DAYUM! Look at her ass!” To which they would reply “Fuckin sick bro! I know!” High fives would generally be shared along with a little head nod. These things actually happen… trust me. You wear something hot, the guys in your office totally notice. However, they have a healthy outlet to express such hotness. Alas, I am without.

Now I feel like you readers will believe that working with all women is all bad. It’s not. In fact, I’m hoping at some point I’ll get hooked up with one or two of the hot daughters… that’s right Regional Vice President, I noticed your photos on your bookshelf, and that’s right I noticed your smoking hot daughter. Maybe she’ll put in a good word at some point. You know something like …

VP “Hey Smoking Hot daughter, we have a new employee.”
SHD: “Mom, I told you for the 100th time, I’m not a lesbian.”
VP: “Well it had just been a long time since you brought a guy home. But no, the employee is a guy!”
SHD: “really?!? And he is attractive, like the Red Sox, works for a non-profit and is an overall do gooder?”
VP: “Yup!! All of those are correct!!”
SHD: “I’ve gotta jump his bones this second!”
VP: “I give you my blessing.”

I figure it’ll go down something like that. Which is good cause the other bonus to working with all women??? My very own bathroom. Seriously. It’s awesome. The bathroom is huge, I’m actually thinking about putting a couch in there and renaming it the men’s lounge. You know, were there are decanters of liquor, ascots, cigars and mahogany. (sidebar, we can’t actually have ANY smoking considering, you know, it causes cancer.) This is often times where I go when I don’t want to be found. It’s not like anyone is coming in there to find me. However, even though it is MY bathroom, I’m not going to knock the Glade air-freshener and the very cute seashell/sand bowl on the counter. I mean, it’s just cute.

Last but not least… women really know how to take care of a guy. I mean especially if there is only one. For example, I’m not known to eat a whole lot of food at work. I just don’t like to. My daily routine usually consists of a protein bar in the morning and a meal replacement bar for lunch. It’s really how I keep my girlish figure. I then devour just about everything after the fact, but that’s neither here nor there. In doing this, this concerns women a great deal. A GREAT deal. I’m always being offered food. Hey I have some leftover this. Or I have a lean cuisine in the fridge. Or hey I brought extra lettuce, have a salad. I love it. I know if I ever move out and have nothing in my refrigerator, I’m just going to go to work and tell the ladies my dilema. BAM. Free Food. Ingenious.

(And ladies lets not be haters… It’d be like you going to a frat house saying you’ve never been drunk before. Boom. Free drinks. Or just going to Vegas. Boom Free drinks. You work your world, I’ll work mine.)

In closing, my birthday just passed recently and if you ever want to just fly under the radar, I suggest working with all men. Women want to make sure you feel special on your day (women you work with that is, not ones you facebook stalk on the daily.) For my birthday I got serenaded at my desk with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. Free lunch. And a giant muther effing cupcake. And the world knows, I fucking love cupcakes.
Giant. Cupcake. Delicious.

So, maybe working with all women isn’t all that bad. For now that is. I mean, until their periods sync up and I’m the only man in the office to take all their hate out on. I’m sure that day is coming soon, but until then I’ll take a giant cupcake, smoking hot daughters, my own bathroom, and never having to worry about someone wearing the same outfit as I.

Life is good right now.

Until Next Time…

Email me

Oh Captain, My Captain…

28 06 2009

Would you believe me if I were to tell you at the ripe ole age of seven, I was watching movies from Francis Ford Coppola?

You’d call bullshit right?

That my friend would be where you are wrong.

You see, many moons ago while I was just a young lad, I often took trips to California to visit my grandparents in San Diego. During most of these trips my grandparents would make sure that my brothers and I had a great time and filled our summer with amazing memories.

We’d often hit up the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Or the San Diego Zoo. One time we were even treated with the opportunity to visit Miramar Marine Base. (It used to be Miramar Naval Base, and the reason that’s cool, and the reason you should care, is because that’s where they filmed Top Gun. Remember the scene where Charlie is dissecting Mavericks flying, and he gets all pissed? Remember that darkened room? Yeah? I was in there. I sat there where Maverick, Goose, Iceman, and Sundown all sat. Aside from my job at the radio station, this is the only time I really namedrop anyone. However, I have since stopped, cause Tom Cruise is a crazy bastard.)

In addition to all those cool activities, my grandparents made sure that we attended Disneyland at least one day while we were on vacation there. Many of my now existing fears and loves are because of these trips to Disneyland.

My love of pirates? Pirates of the Caribbean.

Fear of the Ocean? Captain Nemo’s Submarine ride.

Hatred of the Outdoors and Cold? Matterhorn.

Back in 1986 one of my new loves was just forming. See, music television had just hit the airwaves, and there was one such a gentleman that was ruling them. His name was Michael Jackson. He was great. Billie Jean was the coolest video. Mainly because he had a tiger in it. I had no fucking clue what was going on, but dammit tigers were awesome. I can remember back then that I often attempted to copy the King of Pop. I had a red jacket that I thought rivaled that of MJ. However, mine was a Members Only jacket, and the only zipper was the one down the middle. I felt that even though it lacked that many number of zippers that MJ’s did, being red, it was very much the same.

Much like any kid my age, MJ’s dance moves were legendary. I can remember a rumor flying around school that Tommy had actually done the Moonwalk. I mean the actual Moonwalk. Not just dragging your feet slowly as you walked backwards like so many other kids in school could pull off. (me included.)

Summer rolled around, and it was indeed time to make it to California for the traditional summer vacation trip with my brother. At the beginning this seemed as if it was going to be just another trip to Disneyland. Seeing as there was no internet at the time information on your favorite Pop star was few and far between unless you heard it on the morning show of a radio station your parents didn’t want you listening to under the bed covers in your room. So being 7 years old, I may have missed out on the fact that my favorite Pop star of the time, and all around cool guy, was indeed going to be at Disneyland.

No, not quite in person, turns out that after his 4th nose job (not a stat I’m making up by the way) MJ was working on his new Sci-Fi image and career. Enter….

Captain EO!

For those of you who haven’t seen this piece of work let me fill you in. Disney took the reigns and produced a “state-of-the-art” 3D movie that would be featured in their theme parks. Starring none other than Michael Jackson, and some BAD ASS effects. When you’re 7 people, 3D is amazing. And the glasses are cool. Not only did it star MJ, but Academy Award Nominee Angelica Houston, and directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

No shit. Francis Ford Coppola.

Apparently at the time, not only was it the coolest movie I’d ever seen in my life. It was also the most expensive per minute movie in the entire world.

I feel as if my words in writing this don’t give this cinematic masterpiece it’s due. So with that being said throw on your 3D glasses and enjoy all that is, Captain EO!

and part two

I’m not sure it works, but if you have some 3D glasses I suggest you put them on and enjoy…. Man this brings back so many memories.

I left that day satisfied beyond all belief. My new found musical pop hero was in the coolest movie I had ever seen. I was at Disneyland. And to take home with me I bought the flying little thing as a plush toy…
Captain EO Fuzzball

I can remember seeing Captain EO a couple times over the next couple years. My grandma always sat through it with me, and always complained about the music of the movie. Another Part of Me by MJ became one of my favorite songs of my childhood years.

The good news, I can watch Captain EO on YouTube, and pick up Another Part of Me on iTunes. And even though he may have been clouded by some “extra curricular” activities, I’ve got some fond memories of The King of Pop. He truly was a talented musician.

Plus, everything is so much cooler when your 7.

Until Next Time…

Email me

What’s Happening?

29 06 2008

So it’s been a little bit since I blogged, and instead of writing the obligatory “I’m really busy blog, I’ll write one soon.” I decided that I would just take half an hour out of my Sunday night to jot some things down.

Nothing really all that important has happened lately but I thought I would let you in on a couple of things happening.

Couple weekends ago a very very good friend of mine, Gibs, came into town to hang out and celebrate his anniversary with his wife. I haven’t gotten to see Gibs lately becasue he lives in a very remote part of the state that no one goes too unless they have a job there (Gibs) or they’re hiding from the law. The only reason I know Gibs isn’t hiding from the law is a.) because he works for law enforcement currently, b.) I’ve actually been called by the state to answer some questions regard Gibs and his character. Gibs and I were roommates throughout college so I suppose I’m a character witness.

(Although it is worth noting that I lie every time they call me when they ask if Gibs has any problems with alcohol. And I guess its not really lying because Gibs doesn’t have any problems with alcohol, in fact he loves alcohol. They’re like best friends, and if he wasn’t currently married, I’m pretty sure he and booze would be walking down the isle shortly. That is, if he could stand long enough.)

Anyway, so Gibs and his lovely wife came to town and we decided to meet up last second. I can honestly say it’s always a great time when Gibs and I get together, and this was no difference. The biggest difference was that Gibs’ lovely wife was, how do I put this delicately,…. oh right, she was shit canned! Apparently they had gone to a baseball game before meeting up with me, and Mrs. Gibs was already well on her way. We met up downtown and continued with our usual pattern of drinking.

Mrs. Gibs decided that it was time to finally get something off her chest. Remember the little town that the Gibs live in, well as it turns out I haven’t visited them since they’ve been married. (With obvious reason.) So in all her drunken glory Mrs. Gibs gave me sooooo much shit that I decided to cave and head out to the Gibs family home in the future, and possibly collect on some rewards for the FBI. In addition to agreeing to visit the “land that technology forgot” Mrs Gibs also decided that it was indeed time that I found myself an “honest” woman. To which she scoured the bar for someone to not only introduce me to, but hopefully set us up and marry us off.

Mind you this wouldn’t be such a big deal, and I wouldn’t have minded cause I generally trust women’s ideas of hot, but I also didn’t realize that Mrs. Gibs gets a wicked case of beer goggles when she drinks. So low and behold Mrs. Gibs was literally dragging me across the bar for the most awkward introduction that I may have ever been involved with. I don’t even remember the poor girls name but she was bombarded by Mrs. Gibs and my awkward shyness considering the moment. We chatted and it was small talk, so it came to an abrupt end. Which, even that felt awkward.

It must also be said that the young lady paid less attention to me than the nice young Asian gentleman sitting next to her. And yes, I’m flattered when gay guys hit on me.

I knew the night was a success when I received the following text messages from Gibs.
– Hey man, we got locked out of our room, but we got it figured out.
– Just letting you know Mrs. Gibs and I threw up, a lot.
– What time did you drop us off last night?

Look for the Gibs Family Visit blog coming after July 19th.

As some people already know I can’t stand the heat. And apparently this past weekend Mother Nature decided I hadn’t had enough shit go down in my life, so she jacked up the furnace to a brisk 103 degrees. SERIOUSLY! 103???? I felt like I was going to melt. I think my body temperature is much higher than that of the average person. All of my past girlfriends can attest that when it’s hot outside, I’m THE worst person to be around. There is NO touching. NO snuggling. NO PDA. NOTHING. There is absolutely no way I’m inviting people to raise my body temperature along with my uncomfortable level.

So I do my best to make sure I stay in or around air conditioning. So off to the movies I went. I had passes from the radio station to go see The Happening for free. So I called up Stevie P. and we decided to roll down on Saturday.

Now it must be said that I am a big fan of M. Night Shyamalan. I really like The Sixth Sense. I loved Unbreakable. I liked Signs and the Village too. Wasn’t a fan of Lady in The Water, but I still enjoyed Shyamalan’s style of directing. So after hearing some early reviews of my friends calling the movie the Crappening, I was a little timid. And with reason. The movie is a bit of a stretch. The concept will have a lot of people upset and saying this is stupid. I however, (while I agree with the review of the movie itself, it was a stretch) would like to point out that I have written many times (here, and here) about mother nature and the power she wields. She’s one cranky bitch my friends, so maybe, just maybe, M. Night was on to something. Maybe he reads my blogs and got some inspiration. I dunno. What I do know, is the movie was totally worth the price I paid (free)… and although the movie was a bit of a let down, I’m still a BIG fan of his directing style.

If you want spoilers to the movie so this makes a little more sense, leave me a comment with your email. I’ll ruin everything for you.

In another new revelation, I may have begun a new little crush on Zooey Deschanel.

While most of the world was watching another new little crush, DeAnna Pappas (ps, she wasn’t a crush till this post from The Superficial), on the bachlorette I was busy watching some show called Baby Borrowers or something like that. Basically they take someone baby’s, probably some Mormons or Catholics cause they’ve got kids to spare, and give it to some high school couple who thinks they (the girl) really wants a baby, to take care of for the week. What ensuses is a whirlwind of awesomeness where young girls get the biggest kick in the ass when realizing, “hey this baby shit isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”*

(*official quote from said teens)

What is even more awesome is when the boyfriend (who all of them didn’t want one in the first place, shocking) gets the ultimate chance to say “I told you so.” Which for any young man in his teens is almost like winning a state championship. The chance of being right when going up against a woman comes few and far between in your teen years. Some young men go their entire teens and early twenty’s without ever being right. So when the opportunity comes you men, you take it! You take it and you ride that being right till the sun comes up.

Oh, and wear a condom kid.

Lastly (I know this is long) while I sat at home this past weekend and enjoyed the bliss that is our houses AC (and the fact my parents pay the energy bill…. hellllllloooo 70 degrees.) My friend Alicia were IMing back and forth and she sent me something she found roaming the internet!

The Vitamin String Quartet!

This was about the coolest thing ever! It’s basically just a REALLY good string quartet that does covers of popular songs. One of their latest CD’s is covers of Fall Out Boy’s songs. But by searching iTunes there is a bevy of cd’s and songs to choose from. Here were some of my favorite selections.

Clock – Coldplay
Welcome To The Black Parade – My Chemical Romance
Sweet Child O’Mine – Guns N’ Roses
Sunday, Bloody Sunday – U2
Mr. Brightside – The Killers

There are soooooo many more that I can’t even list. If you like music which I know a most of my friends do, you’ll be sure to check them out on iTunes. Amazing I tell you, amazing.

(ps, allegedly this was found on some wedding blog, apparently Alicia is checking out some wedding blogs. Just sayin.)

Pick 6.1

6 04 2008

So I know my reality shows are coming quickly so I decided to throw in another Pick 6 musical randomness so that some people have something to read at work on Monday morning. That is assuming people actually care enough to check this blog out daily. 

(note: if you’re new to the Pick 6, here is a summary. I open my iTunes library, hit random, and write a little synopsis of the song as it pertains to my life. Enjoy!)

Without further ado, lets start off this musical journey…..

Title – Artist(s)

Hurricane – The Click

Oh man, what a way to start this beloved Pick 6. Back in the day (and by this I mean 2 years ago) I used to be quite the club goer. I worked at a radio station and by doing so had some friends that were a little younger than me. One of these friends was an avid club goer and I being his faithful right hand man, and drinking partner was always along for the ride. Mr. Royal (as is his nickname based on his preferred drink) drove around in this piece of shit honda of some sort. It was so bad, that when we went out to the clubs I was always the person designated to drive. If you’ll notice, I wasn’t the designated driver, I was designated to drive. I drove a 02 Saturn with no tape deck, no power windows, no cd player, just some AM/FM tunes to get us by. That’s how bad Mr. Royal’s car was. About 6-7 months into our friendship of heavy drinking and AM/FM tunes, Mr. Royal bought himself a much nicer car complete with iPod hook up. I can’t tell you how many times we’d roll downtown and this song was the song of choice for the night. Everytime I hear it, no matter where I am, what time it is, I feel I should have a “to-go cup” full of Jack and Coke, and a flask full of Crown Royal for none other than Mr. Royal.

Somebody Told Me – The Killers

WOW! This isn’t my favorite song from the killers by any means. However, no matter what Killers song it is, I’m reminded of one of my top 5 concerts of all time. Back when working for radio I went to all sorts of concerts for free. It was awesome. This just happened to be one of those shows, and they were so freakin good that I told myself if they were ever in town again, I would gladly pay for a ticket to this show. They were that damn good. Amazing stuff. If they ever come to your neck of the woods, no matter where you are…. GO! It’s 100% worth it!

Lately (MTV UNplugged) – Jodeci

As they say in the very beginning of this song, “This is an oldy, but a goodie.” I can’t agree more. To be honest with you, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard the album version of this song. I don’t think I ever intend to do that, because this song is so great. In fact this whole show was great! I loved UNplugged. I really wish MTV or MTV2 would bring it back. I have a great appreciation for acoustic music. This song is no different. Bring back UNplugged people!

Dance, Dance – Fall Out Boy

About 2 years ago I had an epiphany…. and it was generated by viewing a mile or so long line to get into the All American Rejects/Fall Out Boy concert. I looked at the audience that was waiting in line to see such a show, and 90% of the crowd were pre-teen girls ready to get their rock on. When it suddenly dawned on me… Fall Out Boy is the Backstreet Boys/N*Sync of their generation. I’m not saying lyrically, or talent wise, I’m just saying every generation needs a “boy band.”
Early 80’s we’ve got New Edition followed by New Kids on the Block. The 90’s gives us Backstreet Boys/N*Sync, and now Fall Out Boy.
Dance, Dance again, is not my favorite from FOB, but serves as a pick me up sometimes.

Living on a Prayer – Bon Jovi

I knew at some point my love of 80’s hair bands was going to sneak on to the prestigus list and damn it all to hell. Alas, from here on out, this blog is in a downward sprial of empending doom. Read at your own risk.

Ps… Bon Jovi scores major points for naming thier Album “Slippery When Wet.” The more and more I grow up, the more I realize that I was left out of about 90% of sexual innuendo’s that dominated the 80’s. (That figure is actually much closer to 99%, due to my religious background, and band geek dad. I missed a lot.)

Possum Kingdom – Toadies

A look back on my life, and I forget a very influencial period in my life that sometimes I really try to bury down deeply. Back in the mid 90’s I was what many people called an Alterna-Teen. Yeah, shocking I know. I loved Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer, Green Day (old Stuff pre Dookie) and many more! I’m no longer Alternative, nor a Teen, therefore this musical taste has come and gone. However, I have held on to many of these loves, and they have a special place in my iTunes library. I’m not sure why but this song always reminds me of my older brother (who I more than likely got my alterna-teen”ness” from in the first place.) He used to play it while driving me around all the time. Listening to the lyrics reminds me of a Anne Rice book and giving it tons of street cred. I’ve always heard rumor it’s actually about Vampires, but I’ve never taken the time to look it up for actual vaildation. If you do, and it is about Vampires… I’d be grateful if you gave me a little heads up.

This concludes our Pick 6 for the day… hope you enjoyed!

Money To Spend

10 03 2008

Check it out everyone, I have approximately $45 on my iTunes account and I’m having problems on what to buy.

So that is where you guys come in. I need your help in finding some “new” music for my iTunes library. And by new i mean anything new to my library. It could be an old song, it could be freakishly new, but as long as I don’t have it in my library, (or on cd) than we are golden.

I like all types of music. Sometimes I may even like a genre more depending on the mood I’m in. So go ahead, throw down some suggestions. I’m open to all suggestions. Who knows I may end up buying your favorite song!

So, thank all for the help. It’ll be $45 well spent.

ps, as just an idea of what I buy, here’s a list of my last 5 iTunes purchases.

Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
California – Phantom Planet
Want You Back – Jackson 5
Daughter – Loudoun Wainwright III
Still Can’t Fade It – Warren G

Pick 6

28 02 2008

About a year ago I posted a bulletin on myspace. Basically what I was to do is put my iPod/iTunes on shuffle and see what came out. Then write a little synopsis of why I have this song and why I like it.

So upon seeing my friend JDub have the same thing posted on her blog, I figured I’d revisit it because truth be told. It’s a lot of fun.

I really hope you enjoy.


Open Road Song-Eve 6
Back in the day I was a bit of an alterna-teen. I like the alternative movement. I think some great music came out of that time. I also love movies. So upon entering the theater and hearing this little ditty be the opening for Can’t Hardly Wait, it was like a match made in heaven. The movie was good too. As is this song! Whatever happened to Eve 6?

Such Great Heights-The Postal Service
I’m not going to lie. I’m a poser. I only like this song because its on the UPS commercials. I still really like it. But do I own thier CD? No. Would I pay to see them? No. Would I like them 10 times more if they were on the OC? Probably. All besides the point. Fun song.

Hey There Delilah-Plain White T’s
I’m not going to lie. I love this song. I have since I heard it before it was released. (That was a luxury of mine working at the radio station. Had stacks and stacks of CD’s I had to wade through to pick out new music to play on the station.) This was one of those songs. In fact I can still remember the meeting I had with the record rep when he said you’re going to love this. And I did. At the time the words had a lot of meaning. Not so much anymore. It’s just a good song.

Freshman-The Verve Pipe
I’ve always loved this song. A lot. Reminds me of high school. I had heard that this song was about some girl who died at a college party. But I may be wrong. I can still remember them playing this song acoustic on the Jenny McCarthy show. wow.

The World Has Turned And Left Me Here-Weezer
This album, is probably one of my top 5 albums of all time. I’m serious. I don’t know what it is, but I love Weezer. Maybe it has something to do with finding them in high school, or there infectious guitar riffs, whatever it is I’m hooked. Essentially it’s just a break up song. No more no less. I still like Weezer, but nothing will ever compare to this album. Makes me smile.

My Posses On Broadway-Sir Mix A Lot
For those kids outside the West Coast Sir Mix A Lot had a couple albums and songs outside of Baby Got Back. People forget that. This song is AWESOME. I love the lyrics and the beat. Plus it talks about some pretty famous places in Seattle. One of which is a place to eat called Dicks. Just a heads up people, if you get drunk in Seattle and ask your cabbie to take you to a Taco Bell, more than likely he shall respond…. No Taco Bell. Only Dicks. And you will find yourself at one of Seattle’s most famous late night stops. POSSE UP!

So there you have it folks, the first edition of the Pick 6. I figured I’d call it that cause it’s a gambling term, and well I do have a small addiction to gambling. just saying. Hope you enjoyed…