Pick 6.2

30 09 2008

I haven’t busted out a Pick 6 in a while so I figured this could be the perfect time. Again, for those of you new to the Pick 6, I start up my iTunes and hit shuffle, and the following 6 songs end up here. And I discuss them.

First though. I wanted to let everyone know how much fun I’m having with the new iTunes 8. Especially with the new Genius application. It’s awesome. So much fun informing me of songs I don’t have from some of my favorite albums, and letting me know, based on the song I’m playing, what other bands might interest me. It’s freakin cool! If you guys know and like Pandora then you’ll love the new iTunes 8 Genius. You can get iTunes 8 with Genius right here.

With that being said, it’s often known that I peruse the Celebrity Playlists on iTunes often times being pissed off with how some of my favorite actors and such are basically pretentious pricks in their musical selections. However, a couple months ago Riann Wilson of The Office fame had posted his musical list. And whilst incredibly pretentious with music you’ve never heard nor will, I did find one new gem that has become one of my new favorites.

Ladies and Gentleman let me introduce you to the Cold War Kids!

I’m not sure what it is… But I just love these guys. Other favorite songs…
Hospital Beds
We Used To Vacation
Tell Me In The Morning
Something Is Not Right With Me (which if you watch Entourage was the song played at the closing credits. Great!)

(Ps. I am 100% NOT interested in knowing that you’ve known about this band forever. Good for effing you. They’re new to me, therefore it’s a fun new discovery. Give me this small joy in my life. Please.)

Anyway… on with the Pick 6.
If I Ain’t Got You (Acoustic) – Alicia Keys
Well I guess if it’s played I have to talk about it. Damn you shuffle. Anyway, I’ve always loved Alicia Keys. She’s an amazing talent and seems to be a classly lady. And of course she’s kinda smokin hot. Yowzers. Anyone see Smokin Aces? If you did you’d know the movie title should have been changed to Smokin Hot Alicia Keys… Would have done better I assume. But what do I know.

Tears Dry On Their Own – Amy Winehouse
This album shocked the hell outta me. I got it back when I worked in radio and no one had heard of Amy Winehouse. I listened to it on repeat in my office for two days straight. It came as no surprise to me that she won Album of the Year. What does surprise me is that she’s still alive. It would be a shame to lose such a talent, but for the love of all that is good an holy… pull your shit together.

Fake Plastic Trees
Got turned on to Radiohead from my brother. It’s weird just how much my older brother influenced my musical taste to this day. He never did like rap/hip hop/pop so I’m unable to tell you where I picked that up. But he sure did love his alternative music. My love of Radiohead started when a local alternative radio station started playing Creep. I love that song too. And of course I was back when Creep was released I was a yet to be in high school, but already filled with the angst of a teenager to rival Kurt Cobain. So when The Bends was released in 1995 much like Radiohead I was older, wiser and more mature. I of course was a sophomore in High School. Of course this appealed to me. Chicks dug it, it was still alternative radio and that’s all I needed to shed those angst ridden days and fulfill my destiny of being popular. Mission complete! The Bends also has High and Dry which is one of my other all time favorite Radiohead songs.

Picture to Burn – Taylor Swift
I knew at some point that some of the music I have on my iTunes was going to catch up to me. But you know what, I’m not even bothered by this one. I love Taylor Swift. LOVE HER. In fact I may or may not have asked friends, “Hey, you think me and Taylor Swift would look cute together?” I get a lot of eye rolls on that one, but I feel as if it’s a legitimate question. I’ve heard numerous interviews with Ms. Swift and I think that’s made me like her more. Apparently….
1.) she writes all of her songs. Which is an amazing accomplishment in the world of music. A lot of “artists” in this world have someone write all their material for them. And it’s still shitty *cough*Britney Spears*cough.*
2.) In addition to writing all of her own material, Ms. Swift often times calls out the douchebags in her life. Which is awesome. In her song Teardrops on My Guitar, when she calls out a boy named Drew, she really is calling out a boy named Drew that went to high school with her, and apparently didn’t give her the time of day. YOU IDIOT!
Sorry, got ahead of myself. She writes unapologetically and generally most everyone at some point in their life can relate to her lyrics. She’s talented, shes beautiful, and she’s dating one of the little Jonas Brothers bastards. Who are committed to not having sex till marriage, which is cool, but I would have thought completely defeated the purpose of becoming a “rock star.”

The Good Life – Weezer
It seems as if every time I write a Pick 6, Weezer somehow ends up on there. Which is totally fine, because as I’ve stated they’re one of my favorite bands of all time. Pinkerton came out late in 1996 so I was well into my senior year. I love this album because it reminds me of my good friend Brad. Brad and I both played goalkeeper in High School, and we were both very good at it. He is a couple years younger than I am so when the time came for him to move up to Varsity there was some very heated battles between the two of us earning our spots. We both worked very hard often times trying to beat the other one. Once we left that feild, Brad and I were the best of friends. Often times (all the time) I Brad would come along wherever me and the Senior soccer boys did. As I was his ride. Our friendship has lasted, me getting benched in favor of him late in the season. Me going away to college. Him even getting married. We’ve stayed in touch through the years, and I would still consider him a great friend. Every time I hear The Good Life, or songs from the Pinkerton album, I can’t help but go back to my senior year and all the fun I had with Brad, and the entire soccer team.

Flashing Lights – Kanye West
I was beginning to think I was going to go through one entire Pick 6 without some rap/hip-hop on here. Whew! I love Kanye West a lot. His music is amazing to me. His last album, Graduation, gave us this amazing song Flashing Lights. This album came out last year around the time I had planned a trip to Boston to see my former college roommate. I boarded a plane at 6:00 am in the morning with magazines, and my ipod ready for the loooooong flight across America. What I hadn’t realized is that I hadn’t given enough attention to Kanye’s new album. So with hours to spare, on went Graduation. I can’t tell you how many times I just restarted the album to listen to over again. I listened start to finish 2 and a half times. Before looking to my buddy, and remarking “this album is amazing.” And it is. It still is. However this song caught me off guard two more times after this trip to Boston.
1.) When the video came out for this songs it was hardly your typical video. And I ate it up. Lot of people didn’t like it one bit. And that’s fine. I on the other hand thought it was brilliant.

2.) Second, and I know this is going to be lame and ruin much of my credibility, but on the Third season of The Hills, when Lauren was in Paris, this song played over a couple of different video shots of Paris and I fell in love with this song again. I think it was just how they used the song with the video clip, like using the lyrics “flashing/lights” with the shot of the Eiffel Tower’s rotating light. It was awesome.

Well, that’s all the time we have today… hope you enjoyed Pick 6.2

Email me at


26 09 2008

For people close to me, they’ve gotten the impression that I pretty much hate my life right now.

The fact of the matter is… I really do.

THe job hunt is still on, the high school soccer team I coach is underperforming, College football as of this week is all out of whack, and my unemployment ran out this week.

So I’m pretty much shooting 0-4 in the grand scheme of life. But today is the like the perfect storm of hatred for me. I’m still pissed that the OSU Beavers beat USC last night. I’m still pissed that my HS team played like crap last night, and I”m even more pissed that I have to go to an interview for a job I don’t really want.

The job was with a big corporate Gym and I was applying for Membership Counselor. My fisrt interview was yesterday and apparently the nice cute young lady liked me enough to recommend me to her boss.

My interview was at 10:30 am. Which I am totally fine with. I get all dolled up and roll into the place knowing that this is a job I can do, but for the most part, have no desire to do commission based sales. So me and the GM are talking interviewing and I think things are going pretty well. He tells me about leads and such and that you have to generate 15 a day. Here is where things start going down hill.

You see, I hate people. That’s not a statement to be funny. I hate people. I’m not the type of person that we meet and instantaneously were best friends. It just doesn’t happen. I totally judge people. Its a flaw I suppose. I’m not outgoing. I’ve got great friends, and family in this world, I don’t need new ones. You may think were friends, but deep down I have a huge resentment for you and don’t even like you.

So the GM and I are talking and toward the end of the interview, he says to me…

GM: “So what I’m going to have you do is grab a clip board, and go out on the floor and see if you can generate 5 new leads from the people working out.”
Me: “Sounds great!”

At that second it was pretty much over. Done. I don’t want this job. For the most part it goes back to the I Hate People factor. It also stems from a respect factor at a gym. These people are here working out. They have a plan. They’re there at 10:30 am on a mutherfucking Thursday for a reason. And you want me to interrupt their workout to generate leads. No. Way.

This is also the reason, I’ll never pick up on a girl at the gym. If a girl really wanted to get picked up she’d get sauced and roll to the nearest Fraternity party. Otherwise, more than likely she’s there to workout.

So I get one guy to say that his entire office may be looking for some memberships. I’m like sweet. I’ve talked to 90% of the people at the gym and I figure getting an office full of people could be pretty decent. I walk back over to the GM and we basically finish up the interview. As we’re about to wrap up, I notice he keeps asking me about the lead I generated. The office size, what the guy did, etc etc….

He then takes some notes, and KEEPS IT FOR HIMSELF. I was so pissed at this point.

More then likely if the office size is 15 people, and 5 of those people sign up… that GM just raked in a pretty sweet commission based on the lead I generated for him in an interview. That my friends pissed me off.

Anyway… so most of you know I’m a huge fan of College football. Well the College football world was turned upside down again by the Mighty Beavers of OSU upsetting my number one pick USC. With that being said, the next part of this blog shall now be titled…

That’s What She Said…. Enjoy.

The Beavers, and their fans, expected to be penetrated by the Trojans. (1) However this was not the case, as the Beavers mustered enough strength to thwart many attempts of a Trojan entering their backfield. (2) The Beavers decided to go against being spread wide across the field, (3) instead the Beavers opted for a tight inside game.(4) And on this night, the Beavers had enough protection,(5)as Jaquizz couldn’t be contained by any Trojan.(6) They withstood a number of attempts as the Trojans went up-and-down the Beavers turf.(7) After a sloppy Trojan performance, (8) the Beavers discarded them,(9) washed up (10), and looked forward to going down (11) to Utah for some fun.

Hope you enjoyed that.

Here is the rest of my predictions for a weekend of college football.

As we all know they already lost. Which as we all know is bad news for my Ducks. No one likes losing, esp twice in a row. And if the Ducks don’t pick a QB, we’re in for a world of hurt when the Trojans go looking for redemption.

Well, after Georgia made Arizona State it’s dog toy last weekend, I’m thinking they’re taking this momentum thingy and taking it to Alabama. Plus they showed lots of footage of UGA VII. Which is cool, but not nearly as cool as UGA V…

Gators play Ole Miss. Win. Plus, I’m still really high on Athletes that were on MTV. Can’t lose!

They’ve got a bye week this week which is good. Other Heisman candidates will have the opportunity to shine.

(ps, in college we named one of our intramural teams Bye Week. It was awesome. About the third week into games, the director figured out what was going on, and we were 3-0.)

Well BYU has Utah State… and basically that’s a padding of the stats game for Max Hall. Dark Horse for the Heisman. His only knock will come at the end of the season when everyone says…. “Well, who did he play??” Which will be unfair, cause that kid is going to deserve a Heisman.

Well that’s about all the time we have today kids.

As always feel free to email me at

Go Ducks.

Oh, and Miss E, hope you didn’t take offense to the That’s What She Said Game.

And another sidebar, if you’re a Duck fan, and your new facebook headline says… “i’m a Beaver Believer for one day” or “I’m becoming a Beaver after last night.”
A.) If you graduated your diploma should be taken away.
B.) If you haven’t graduated stay in school cause you’re still stupid.

Rat Tails, More College Football, and a Half Assed Apology….

17 09 2008

Sometimes, as I sit down to write, I think that people who read this blog are bummed when I haven’t written for awhile. In fact secretly I hope this. I hope that in their first 25-30 minutes of work they turn on their computer open their favorites, select Perez Hilton, Gmail, Facebook, MySpace, and maybe some ESPN, or special site, then they click on over to Sarcasm As A Weapon. Only to get their hopes up to see I haven’t posted in sometime.

Sometimes, I’m disappointed in myself. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. Which as we all know as being a kid, or having kids, is WAAAAY worse than actually being mad. So I’m disappointed in myself.*

Half the time I have so many ideas running through my head I think I should just do a Live Blog of my life. Although, taking the University of Oregon to it’s second NCAA 09′ National Championship on the PlayStation 3 doesn’t lend to much excitement on the internet. See… I just told you what I did and I”m pretty sure you’re not that excited. So the Live Blog of my day surely has some kinks to work out. But my mind does race most the time. I’m always watching something or experiencing something that I want/need to write about.

For those of you who are a continuous reader of this fine work of well crafted thoughts and opinions, you well already be in the know, about my lack of a job. Well boys and girls, I can say that I have been very diligent lately in trying to find a job. Which leads me to an experience unlike any other that I had to write about.

I had recently applied online for a job working in a insurance company that shall remain nameless. I was quickly contacted by someone in HR from said company. She called to inform me that the position I applied for was no longer available, but they had some openings for another position that was closely related. She asked if I would be interested and told me to go to the company website and begin the process of applying online. I said thanks I’ll do that right away. She then asked if was going to attend the job fair that this company had set up later in the week. I informed her that I was not aware of the job fair, but yes I would be in attendance.

As the day of the job fair was upon me, I cut my hair, ironed my clothes and actually showered and shaved. Which normally is a stretch for me on a regular day. That’s besides the point. Anyway, so I’m looking damn fine if I do say so myself knowing that there could possibly be an interview if I do good enough. So the bar had been raised.

Upon arriving I realize that….
1.) I’m the best dressed person in the room. ( I’m not exaggerating nor embellishing, nor trying to be cocky. I really was.
2.) I was actually overdressed.

My top five favorite outfits of the day…..
#5.) Ill fitting black blazer, dark blue dress pants, and brown shoes. Not that bad really.
#4.) Target short sleeved button up shirt, cargo pants, and a pair of airwalk/vans.
#3.) Jean Capri’s, black tank top, and sweet ass dragon tattoo on the shoulder.
#2.) Black ill fitting suit, with non matching muscle t-shirt underneath. (ps, dude should not have been wearing said muscle shirt. For any reason.)
#1.) Cargo pants, polo, some athletic shoes, and a bitchen rat tail that probably went down to the C3 Vertebrae.

I knew as I looked around the room, that I probably had the upper hand in some things. Looking professional… all me.

So needless to say my confidence was boosted based on my surroundings.
(ps for those who don’t know me, I like to win. A lot. So while at the job fair, I literally told myself in my head, looking professional… me. 1. other people. 0. I win.)

I kept looking around the room watching certain people being questioned by members of the HR team. As I perused the potential interviewers I selected a couple people I felt my chances would be better with. The gay gentleman and the middle aged woman with no ring on the finger. I figure, shit, if I look this good ( and by that I mean better than everyone else) it might as well not go to waste right? So I’m a little superficial, and at this point in my job search, I’ll take every opportunity I can.

As it came around I was not awarded with the gay guy, nor the middle aged woman. It was in fact a guy about my age. Damn. We went off to another part of the building. Did a very quick interview, and said, we’ve got some tests if you’d like to take them now. I agreed and off to another room were I took a typing test and some sort of customer service simulation.

I’m not going to lie. I was acing this whole thing. My typing was awesome. My simulation was DOOOPPPE! So things were looking up. There were a lot of people taking the test so needless to say there was a bit of a back up while people waited to take the test. As another HR person came and got me and told me the results of my simulation, she ushered me back to the room where people were waiting to take their test.

And then there it was…. I was completely deflated. All my posturing. All my confidence. All my dressing up, was completely 100% a waste of time.

There sitting in the chairs waiting to take their tests, were Rat Tail and Muscle shirt boy.

I realized at that point, it was a gigantic hiring fair. The bright side is, I did score an interview.

So there is the update on my working life. Some other possibilities have come up… we shall see.
If you’re not a fan of my sports… you can tune out now… I’m going to talk a little college football.

Time to check in on my top 5.
The USC Trojan stayed atop my top 5 rankings by laying waste to Ohio State. Matt Sanchez and company showed the nation, the BCS, and the Big Ten just how much Ohio State sucks. Which scares me, because more then likely the Buckeyes are going to win the Big Ten and head to the Rose Bowl. Lame.
Not impressed. New UGA, get them to pull their heads out…. they’ll need a lot more than what they showed on Sat to win the SEC.
Bye week for Two-A-Days Tim Tebow.
Chase Daniles, and Jeremy Maclin? Really good. Big 12 on the upswing? Could be.
Dear UCLA,
Max Hall is good. 7 Touchdowns good. Rick Newscandal is not.
Seriously folk, I ate this up. This win was AMAZING. I sent a text to about 5 friends. By the time I had responded back to most of them the first time, BYU had scored 3 touchdowns. It was awesome. I giggled watching those Mormon boys whoop up on Newscandal. Those Cougar football players played so well they could pull large amounts of ass…. I’m talking boy band ass.

If they could.

So in my spare time, I’ve been the assistant/goalkeeper coach at my High School Alma Mater/Matter? eh.

It’s been a TON of fun and a lot of stress. These boys think of some of the most inappropriate/funny things ever. I’ve decided to compile a list of things they say, then hopefully get a blog out of their quotes. Could be pretty interesting for one, and for sure will be offensive. Look for that bad boy in a bit.

Oh as a sidebar, I’m missing disc 6 of the first season of the OC.. If anyone knows where I could get it without purchasing the whole set I would be eternally grateful. Missing out on Caleb proposing to Julie, Anna leaving, (made me very sad) and Julie sleeping with Luke, bums me out.

Last but not least, speaking of TV, look for September 22nd to be the perfect storm of new Television.

As always feel free to email at…

until next time….

*The above two paragraphs were meant to be an apology to my loyal readers. Albeit half assed.

90210, College Football, and Something For the Employed….

3 09 2008

Well, first things first.

This is for my friends at work. I know sometimes your days get boring, but what better way to brighten your day than to play some rock bandish games.

Rock Band
Get to Rockin my friends!

As many of you may know, college football has started this past weekend. I for one, LOVE college football. My general fall schedule consists of having soccer practice every Saturday morning at 8 am. From there I usually head home and find a comfortable spot on the couch. Then I turn on college football for the next 8-10 hours.

Generally I get up for bathroom breaks and food. People call and text to do stuff during college football. If they’re lucky I answer the phone. I will respond to a lot of texts cause that’s my thing. Sometimes even updating my friends on the shitty team they have. i.e University of Washington this past weekend.

With that being said, here is my unofficial College Football Poll.
After watching their game this weekend I’m convinced they are completely legit. Yowzers that defense is fast.
They play in a “pretty tough” conference. So that says something. If they win out, they’ll be in the National Championship game. Plus they got a new UGA.
Ever since Tim Tebow was on Two-A-Days on MTV I knew he was destined to do great things. Plus you can’t underestimate a Heisman winning quarterback that spends his Spring Break in the Philippines instead of Cancun.
In case you haven’t heard, Chase Daniels is kinda good.
Here’s the thing. I had to pick a team that many people aren’t. Think about this. BYU plays in probably one of the weakest leagues in the nation. Max Hall dropped almost 500 yards on N. Iowa this past weekend and if they win out, that’s undefeated and a garunteed top 5 finish. Which may send you to a bowl game to face the likes of Georgia which may turn out ok…. Ask Hawaii.

With all this being said, University of Oregon is my team of all teams. I root for them over all other teams. Go Ducks. And Jake Locker should stick to baseball.

So I’m pretty sure this may be what some people are waiting for…..

I finally caught the new 90210….


First things first… HOW EFFING HOT ARE THE NEW GIRLS! I mean seriously. Back in the day, I loved me some West Beverly drama, but there was only one girl that stood out. And that my friends was obviously Kelly Taylor. So my first job is to pick my favorite girl. I started out with thinking that I was going to fall for Naomi. I first saw Naomi when she was on Nip/Tuck playing Eden. If anyone wants to do some YouTube”ing” and look up Eden on Nip/Tuck you’ll know why.

However, I’m really kinda digging Annie. I’m not sure what it is. But for the first two episodes, Annie is my leader for hot girl of the show.

Speaking of hot, I couldn’t help but find Erin Silver kinda hot. Which actually left me with a little icky feeling. You see, for some rookies to 90210, Erin Silver came as a result of David Silver’s dad Kelly Taylor’s mom doing the nasty in Mr. Silvers dentist chair. Oh wait, that was a dental assistant. So I was around when little Erin Silver was born. I was around when little Erin Silver was used as the excuse for Kelly to stay home for the summer. I was around when little Erin Silver was the excuse for Dylan McKay to hang out with Kelly Taylor while Brenda was off galavanting around Europe.

Basically I’ve seen Erin Silver grow up… and OH MY has she grown up! Icky feeling again…

I like the story line of the new family coming from Kansas with the adopted black son. I mean heaven forbid we actually have an African American family living in Beverly Hills. Of course we all know that African Americans do not attend West Beverly high, unless their dad’s a janitor at WBHS and they’re on academic scholarship and Brandon accuses said African American student of only being there to play basketball. (Which reminds us people that stereotyping is bad. Which reminds me, I do miss the social messages that the old 90210 used to give us.) No, people, African American students go to Crenshaw and only appear at WBHS when they’re trying to squash a race beef and get the big game going on Friday.

I’m not going to lie. The new 90210 was a bit over the top. But I kinda enjoyed it. The bj in the parking lot was pretty much awesome. But I have to ask myself, who are these girls, and where were they when I went to high school.

I enjoyed seeing Kelly Taylor back on 90210. Not going to lie, she looks good. In fact one of my favorite parts was in the office and having her say “yowzers.” I don’t know about you, but I could hear Ms. Taylor say that ALL DAY! Yowzers!

I didn’t like the introduction of Lacrosse to WBHS. As long time fans of 90210 will all know sports are ONLY to be used for these few cases….
#1. The students are all building a parade float. Only to have it be burned down.
#2. WBHS has some “big game” coming up. (usually to be followed by racial tension or floats burning down.)
#3. The track team decides to do Steriods.
#4. One of the track guys decides to be gay.

This friends is what sports are for on 90210. Please stick to the above guidelines for future episodes.

Overall, I feel as if the new 90210 can carry on. I enjoyed it greatly. It’s now set on my TiVo and I’ll be eager to watch it every week. For those of you with any feedback, please hit me up…


Until next time.