It Hasn’t Been Laminated…

28 07 2009

Some people call it The List others call it the Top 5 but whatever name it takes it’s the same. It’s been featured on Friends and Entourage and those are just two prime examples that I can think of.

Essentially, the list consists of your top 5 celebrities you would have a free pass to sleep with if you were ever in a relationship. (one most also remember the celebrity must want to sleep with you as well. This is where the list works, and most celebrities do not sleep with the common folk.) Sometimes, the list can function as your top 5 hottest people.

To each person the list varies. It’s a very personal list, and you not need justify your selections on said list. You may need to defend them, however, justification is not necessary. People find all sorts of people attractive for many different reasons. Some like my friend Meagan has a certain TV funny man on her list, that, while not the most attractive man in the world, strikes a chord with her funny bone that no man has done before. Therefore, he is at the top of her list. Sometimes, people add pillars of the attractive people to their list for it’s only the right thing to do. For example Micah, has had Halle Berry as his number one for a number of years. I wonder if I may see the day where she topples from that great pillar of number one-ness. Not that I want to see that day come.

There are some minor rules and other reason a person may make your list. I’ll allow Ross Gellar to illustrate why indeed Isabella Rossalini was omitted in his final 5.

Which brings me to some of the rules I’ve always had. #1. You can’t pick a person you may actually run into. For example, when i worked in Radio, there was always a likelihood that some up and coming, or really famous person was to stop by the studio to promote something. So with that being said, I had to eliminate all music people from my list.

Rule #2. They should be living. I think this is self explanatory.

Rule #3. You must disclose the list with your significant other. Not only that, you may NOT be allowed to argue your significant others list. You must accept it, and move on. Like I said, each persons list is there own. Plus opening a dialogue about people you want to sleep with other than your significant other is important. Honesty is the best policy I believe. Even if your cheating.

There it is. Pretty basic I’d say.

However, my top 5 has been pretty solid for quite some time now. Who are they you may ask…. well…

My Number One For Years

My Number One For Years

She's Got Tattoos. My Mom Hates Tattoos. My mom would not like Ms. Fox. INSTANT attraction.

She's Got Tattoos. My Mom Hates Tattoos. My mom would not like Ms. Fox. INSTANT attraction.

Oh Summer...

Oh Summer...

She's Like my Halle Berry. She'll Always Be In Here. If there was a Mt. Rushmore of Hot Women, she'd be on it.

She's Like my Halle Berry. She'll Always Be In Here. If there was a Mt. Rushmore of Hot Women, she'd be on it.

You may have noticed A.) a pattern for one… and B.) you may have noticed there are only 4. You are not taking crazy pills. My dilemma as of late has been that I think I need to add someone to the list. Number 5 sometimes and often times fluctuates. And this is one of those times.

My beautiful friend Minka Kelly has recently been linked with Derek Jeter. Seeing as how I am a die hard Sox fan, I’m pretty sure I cannot have this in my top 5. It’s just to crushing to me. With that being said…

I have a new crush, and Wanted to know if you guys think I should put her in my top 5. Ladies and Gentleman, please meet, Olivia Munn

Atari is the Best!

Atari is the Best!

Yup, I'm a Star Wars Geek, and this is Awesome!

Yup, I'm a Star Wars Geek, and this is Awesome!

If you haven’t heard of Olivia Munn, it’s probably because you’re some well to do guy/girl with a real job who has since shunned video games of their youth. Olivia hosts Attack of the Show on the G4 network that revolves around all things, how shall i say… geeky. Video games, movies, comics, gadgets, and geek gear all get talked about with some relative humor and two fantastic hosts. One of course being my prospective addition to the top 5.

I debated on writing this post, because I felt it was really shallow. Then I did some deep introspection, and not only did I find nothing, I realized that I am indeed this shallow. Plus I really wanted to use the poll thing on my blog, and have another excuse to go through Olivia Munn’s blog again.

It’s funny though, because after all this searching and watching videos, I’ve come to realize that Olivia has some pretty amazing qualities outside of some very superficial ones that, lets be honest, are pretty amazing themselves. You see, she’s funny, and caring (animal blog post), was in Playboy (as we all know, my mom won’t like that, and anything my mom doesn’t like is INSTANT attraction. My mother is not a reader though, so I think were good.) and she loves Growing Pains. I too love Growing Pains.

She was also in a kick-ass music video… good lord reminds me of Best Buy days…

I feel like unbeknown to her, we are a perfect match.

So.. anyway…. time to vote people…

Until Next Time…

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